695 Vine CourtAnn Arbor, MI 48103 USA

(814) 574-1912

Analysis and Consulting In Nuclear Criticality and the Fuel Cycle


From start to finish, we help get the job done!

About company currently consists of one engineer, Dr. Dale Lancaster, and it partners with other independent consultants to put together teams that can perform jobs of any size. Dr. Lancaster has been working on criticality, fuel management, and core design for more than 35 years. He is chairman of the Burnup Credit Standard (ANSI/ANS-8.27) working group. He has consulted with almost all of the cask vendors and spent fuel pool analysis vendors. He performs QA analysis for these companies as well as utilities. In addition his consulting has included research and government entities, specifically in the US: EPRI, DOE, and the NRC. Dr. Lancaster is active internationally, supporting companies from Korea, Germany, and Japan. Other activities include criticality audits at fuel cycle facilities and fuel management support at Westinghouse. has its own modest QA program but generally operates under QA programs of other companies.

Our Philosophy

Pleasing the customer is our objective.  This is only done by frequent honest communication of the best and cost effective analysis possible. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to reduce the costs with safely storing and disposing spent fuel.  For clients in the front in our mission is to reduce the cost of fresh fuel from the enrichment through discharge from the core all the time constrained by safety requi